How To Start a Session

How to start your Wordly session

There are a wide variety of ways to start a Wordly session.

In Person Events


For speakers, in your Wordly account, click “Meeting Shortcuts”. Click the first URL under Meeting Shortcuts then click join. For attendees, follow the Attendee link to join the Wordly Session.

Anyone using a Meeting Shortcut link will start the Wordly session. It doesn’t have to start in the Wordly Portal.

Android/IOS Device

Download Wordly’s app on Google Play or Apple Store:

Once you have the app, join a session with or without logging in.

Virtual Events


There are different versions of Cvent. Contact Wordly to make sure you’re using the appropriate steps for your version of Cvent.

To integrate the Wordly App into your Cvent session, follow the Cvent Widget article.


As the Zoom host, use the apps button at the bottom of your Zoom screen, select the Wordly App, confirm your language, and, if desired, specify a Session ID.


On the Session page of your Wordly Portal, click “Join with Meeting Bot” to invite the bot to your Teams meeting. Wordly will start translating once the Teams host admits Wordly into the call.

Google Meet

On the Session page of your Wordly Portal, click “Join with Meeting Bot” to invite the bot to your Google Meet call. Wordly will start translating once the Google Meet host admits Wordly into the meeting.


Create a Wordly session then enable other streaming services in Webex. When you start your meeting or Webinar, start live streaming with Wordly using the information found in the Webex Support and Wordly article.

Streaming Generally

Starting an RTMPS stream to Wordly will start your Wordly session.