Changing Interface Locale

You can change the language used by your Wordly interfaces

How to change your locale in the Portal

  1. Click on your profile icon at the top right of the page and select Profile.

    Portal profile button

  2. You will see your profile information, go to the last item (Locale). Click on the Locale icon.

    Portal locale icon

  3. Select your desired language from the dropdown menu. We currently support Japanese, French, Spanish, and English.

    Portal locale dropdown

  4. Click Change Locale when finished.

    Portal change locale

How to change your locale in the Attend app

  1. At the bottom of the Attend page, you will see “Learn About Wordly Interpretation”. Under that section in grey print, to the right of “Terms of Service”, click on the Locale icon

    Attend locale icon

  2. Select your desired language from the dropdown menu. We currently support Japanese, French, Spanish, and English.

    Attend locale dropdown

  3. Click Apply when finished.

    Attend change locale