Glossaries Overview

How to create and use Glossaries through the Wordly Portal

Glossaries allow you to customize Wordly’s speech recognition to include your organization’s unique terminology, such as special phrases or names of products, people, and departments. Glossaries are custom libraries which significantly increase the accuracy of transcription results. Without a glossary for reference, Worldly may be unable to transcribe unique phrases, words, and terminology.

It’s possible to create multiple glossaries for specific uses (such as IT, research, regional sales teams, etc).


  • Glossaries increase the accuracy of transcribing spoken words into text.

  • Make sure your presenter has a quality microphone. The more clear the audio, the better the transcription.

  • Glossary terms should be as concise and unique as possible for best performance.

  • It’s important to add words, phrases, terminology, names, acronyms, and abbreviations as you expect them to be spoken aloud naturally.

    • For example, in the real world, the presenter isn’t likely to say “FBI - The Federal Bureau of Investigation”, so to transcribe this properly, the glossary should just include “FBI”.

Creating a New Glossary

To access the Glossaries page from anywhere within Wordly:

  1. Move the mouse cursor to the left side of the screen

  2. Click on Glossaries ( Glossaries Nav ):

Glossaries Nav Panel

Once you’re on the Glossaries page, click +Add Glossary ( Add glossary button ) to get started. This will open up the following menu:

Add Glossary Panel

Enter the following info to create a glossary:


Enter the name of your Glossary. A title is required to save the glossary.

Phrase Box


Choose the language that the presenter will be speaking in.


In the Boost tab ( Boost tab button ), add the phrases and terminology that you think Wordly will need help with transcribing. This can include names, acronyms, terminology, and abbreviations, but must be added as they’re spoken aloud naturally.

  • One term per line. You must add a line-break (press “Enter” on your keyboard) before adding another term.

  • Glossaries can contain up to 3000 individual terms.

  • One term can be up to 100 characters.

  • It’s possible to copy and paste a list of terms into the “Phrases” box, as long as they’re separated with line-breaks.


Include names that you’re unlikely to find in a dictionary. This includes:

  • People’s names
  • Organization names
  • Place names
  • Product names
  • Department names


Include terminology that is “specialized”, such as:

  • Industry jargon
  • Organizational terminology
  • Departmental terminology


Acronyms should be included on their own, without their meaning. Examples:

  • FBI
  • CIA
  • STD
  • NATO


Abbreviations include two-letter acronyms that are spoken aloud, such as:

  • AI - (Artificial Intelligence)
  • IT - (Information Technology)
  • ID - (Identification)
  • EG - (Exempli Gratia or “for example” )
  • IE - (“In other words” or Internet Explorer)
  • VR - (Virtual Reality)
  • AR - (Augmented Reality)
  • ER - (Emergency Room)
  • RV - (Recreational Vehicle)


Emphasis can improve the accuracy of Wordly’s transcription quality by expanding how the sounds that make up a word are processed.

To add emphasis to a word, enter the word into the phrases box, add a space after the word, and either 1 or 2 exclamation marks. See the following examples:

  • Wordly !
  • Moishe !!
  • Acetaminophen !!
  • Parasetamol !
  • Chevrolet !
  • Porsche !!

If a word isn’t being transcribed correctly, try emphasizing it with 1 exclamation mark initially. If it still isn’t being transcribed, use 2 exclamation marks.

Wordly will prioritize the correct transcription of emphasized words over non-emphasized, similar-sounding words. For example, “Porsche” might be mistranscribed as “porch” if the word isn’t emphasized.

Using Multiple Languages

To include terms in more than one language, click Add Language (Add Language Button). This will automatically collapse the current “Phrases” box and create another. See the example of what that looks like here:

Multiple glossaries

  • Click on any of these Phrase boxes to edit the list of terms for that language.

  • To remove one of your languages from a glossary, click the X (Delete glossary button) next to it.

  • Click the alphabetize button ( Alphabetize button ) to automatically alphabetize all the terms in the phrase box.

When finished, click the Save button (Save button).

At this point, your glossary will be saved, and you will be able to include it when adding a session.

Sounds Like

While most of the time Boost will get the word you need, sometimes a uniquely spelled name, unexpectedly pronounced acronym, or a product that sounds like another word still won’t transcribe as desired. In this case, try Wordly Glossaries’ “Sounds Like” feature to improve transcription accuracy.

Without the Glossary’s Sounds Like function, this can happen: Without Sounds Like Session Example

To fix this:

  1. Go to your glossary tab in your Wordly account.
  2. Select or create a glossary.
  3. Under the Boost tab, write the desired word, type a left angle bracket (<), list soundalike phrases (separating each phrase with a comma)
  4. End the list with a right angle bracket (>) Sounds Like Glossary Example
  5. Save you glossary.
  6. Make sure your session has the glossary selected.

Now your session’s transcript will have the correct word from the Boost list: Session with Sounds Like Glossary

This function is important when words are spelled in an unconvenional way, Ke$ha, for example.

Session Kesha Spelled Incorrectly

Glossary Kesha Sounds Like

Session Kesha Spelled Correctly

If you have any questions or issues regarding Sounds Like, please reach out to

Creating and Using a Blocklist

Blocklists are the inverse of Boosted phrases in that these are lists of words that you want Wordly to avoid. For example, suppose you want to block spicy words like “paprika” or “turmeric”. You can add them to your glossary’s Blocklist as shown below. Should a “spicy” word be spoken during a session, it will not appear in the transcript.

  1. In Glossaries ( Glossaries nav button ), select your glossary.

  2. Click the target language section to reveal your word lists. There will be three tabs: Boost ( Boost tab button ) Block ( Blocklist tab button ) and Replace ( Replace tab button ).

Spicy Language Example Window

  1. Select the Block tab.

  2. Click inside the box to start typing words you do not want Wordly to transcribe. Each word or phrase should be on its own line.

Adding Blocklist Words

  1. Press Save ( Save Button )

Remember to select the desired glossary when creating a session. As long as your glossary is selected, the Blocklist will work just as the Boost list.

Adding Replacement Words

AI can often misconstrue words. To help create the smoothest translations, Wordly’s Glossary now offers word replacement along with the Boost and Block

For example, if talking about a 4D experience you might type “forty -> 4D” to make sure 4D is not recognized and translated as forty. Names can also sometimes cause issue. For example, with the last name Firby, you’d want to avoid it getting recognized as the toy Furby, and thus, should add “furby -> Firby” to your replacement list.

  1. Open Glossaries ( Glossaries Navigation Button ) and select the desired glossary.

  2. Click the Replace tab ( Glossaries Replace Tab ) and click in the text box.

  3. Write the word you do not want, type “->”, then write the word you do want to appear instead. Note: Without the “->”, an error message will appear in red below the text box.

Replacement List Example

  1. Press Save ( Save Button ) to save your work.

Customizing Translations Through Word Replacement

You can use the Replace function to customize translations. Whereas the Boost function nudges Wordly’s translation software, replacing will force the text into one translation as opposed to another.

In your Glossary, select your target language, go to the Replace tab, and write a rule to replace unwanted synonyms with your desired translation.

Take “cat” in English and Spanish for example.

If you want to make sure “cat” translates to “gato” and no other Spanish synonym, your instinct might be to do something like this: English Cat -> Gato Bad Example

Spanish Cat -> Gato Bad Example

However, this will not work. The first, will lead to the English transcription showing “gato” instead of “cat”, which is not proper English. The second will do nothing. Why? Because a Spanish speaker will not say “cat”. They will already say “gato”.

Instead, what you want to do is find the Spanish synonyms of “gato” such as “felino” or “gata”.

Then you should replace these synonyms with “gato” in your Spanish glossary.

Spanish Felino -> Gato Replacement

Or, if you are talking about coffee, you might want to for the word “bean” translates to the correct sort of bean.

Glossary Replace bean example

Another example would be if a geologist needed to talk about boring holes and wanted to assure that “boring” was not translated as the more common meaning of tedious or dull.

Glossary Replace boring example

Do Not Translate

If you do not want a term translated, you can write a rule to replace the unwanted translation with the non-translated text. For example, if your company is named Big Trees, you wouldn’t want that translated literally.

Glossary Replace Do Not Translate Big Trees

Sharing Glossaries

You can share your glossary with other Wordly users.

Go to your Glossaries page, select the desired Glossary, and press the green share button at the bottom. Glossary share button

In the pop-up box, enter the email address associated with the Wordly account with which you are sharing your glossary. email prompt window

To accept the shared glossary, the user will see a notification icon on their Wordly account. Navigating to the notification center, the invitee will be able to accept your Glossary.

glossary share invite

Set as Default

If the “Set as Default” checkbox is selected when accepting the shared Glossary, will set the Glossary as the user’s default Glossary. Unchecking the box will leave the user’s defaults as-is.

If you need assistance with your glossary, we have a professional team that can help you build your glossaries. Contact your sales representative or go to this link.